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Our Promise To You

Wow! What a whirlwind these last few months have been, we sincerely hope that you and your families are healthy and happy during this challenging time. On April 30th the Alberta government announced that essential health services, which includes Optometry clinics can return to offering routine care. This announcement means that we can now begin […]

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Learning Disabilities & How They Relate to Vision

It’s no secret that vision problems can severely disable a child’s vision problem. But what happens if your child has vision issues and another learning disability? Research shows that children with learning disabilities are actually more likely to suffer from vision problems. Unfortunately, the symptoms associated with many learning disabilities often overlap with the symptoms of […]

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Colour Blindness

Living Without Colour: Understanding Colour Deficiency Did you know that colour blindness really isn’t blindness at all? It’s a deficiency. Did you know that about 8 percent of men are colour deficient, while less than 1 percent of women are? We’ve heard a lot about colour deficiency or “colour blindness” over the span of our […]

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Macular Hole

A Close Look at Macular Holes Your body changes over time; sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. While we can’t always change this fact, we can educate ourselves so we know what to look for, and when a change requires medical attention. In this article, we’ll be covering macular holes; what you need […]

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We are located just off Main St, in the Towerlane Shopping Centre. There is plenty of parking out front, and our team looks forward to welcoming you!

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  • 705 Main St S, Suite 150
  • Airdrie, AB T4B 3M2

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