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How to Prevent an Eye Infection

A woman holds her eye in pain due to an infection

Just like the common cold, eye infections can happen to anyone. From shopping carts, door handles, and other everyday items, you can pick up bacteria and germs that can make their way into your eyes. Preventing eye infections takes positive hygiene practices, like using clean towels and washing your face and eyelids daily, to help […]

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What is Evaporative Dry Eye?

A woman pulling down at her eyelid to show how red and dry her eyes are

Experiencing dry eyes is never pleasant, and finding relief is usually the first thing on your mind. The first step to finding relief is visiting your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam to get to the bottom of your dry eye symptoms.  But dry eye can come in different forms, like evaporative dry eye. Let’s […]

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What is a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

A boy at an optometrists office smiling and sitting behind a phoropter

Simply put, a comprehensive eye exam evaluates the health and function of your eyes. During an eye exam, your optometrist will check all parts of your eyes to check overall health and identify any eye conditions if present.  Eye exams for adults, seniors, and children provide a proactive approach to eye health. Early detection of […]

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How Does Vision Therapy Work?

A young girl getting her vision tested

Vision care is a consistent process. With the evolution of vision care research, your optometrist has more options than ever to help manage your vision. Vision therapy is a program built on evidence-based activities to help your visual system. Let’s look at how vision therapy works, including some exercises you can do and the vision […]

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girl wearing glasses smiling

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  • Airdrie, AB T4B 3M2

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