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5 Reasons Your Baby Is Rubbing Their Eyes

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A baby sitting upright on a white bed, rubbing their eyes in frustration.

Rubbing your eyes isn’t uncommon—in fact, even babies do it from time to time. While it might seem harmless—and often is—we know it might still leave you wondering, “Why is my baby doing this?” Eye rubbing may not always indicate a problem, but it can sometimes be the first sign that your child is developing a condition like myopia.

Some common causes of a baby rubbing their eyes include:

  • Tiredness
  • Dryness
  • Allergies
  • Infections
  • Myopia

Learning more about eye rubbing can help you make an informed decision about when to schedule an appointment for your child’s eye exam

Common Causes of Eye Rubbing

When we rub our eyes, it can be an easy way to find relief from common discomfort. It helps us find relief, promotes blood flow to the area, and stimulates the brain to help us stay awake—all beneficial feelings!

Because of this, it can be difficult to determine why your baby is rubbing their eyes. However, there are a few common causes that you should be aware of.


Babies need a lot of sleep—sometimes as much as 18 hours a day. However, as they grow and develop, it’s not uncommon for them to become overstimulated and struggle to fall asleep. This can result in tiredness—which often manifests as eye rubbing.

If your baby is rubbing their eyes throughout the day, it may be a sign that they aren’t getting enough rest or struggling with sleep issues. Try to watch out for:

  • Fussiness or irritability 
  • Losing interest in toys or activities 
  • Frequent yawning
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Clinginess

These are all signs that your baby may be tired and needs some sleep.


Just like adults, babies can experience dry eyes. This can occur due to plenty of problems, but their environment and diet are often the first place to look.

When their eyes are dry and irritated, babies may instinctively rub them in an attempt to find relief. If you suspect that this is the cause of your baby’s eye rubbing, try using a humidifier in their room or keeping irritants away from their eyes.


Babies can also suffer from allergies. When they come into contact with an allergen like pollen or pet dander, they may experience uncomfortable symptoms that quickly lead to eye rubbing. This is a common response to these allergic reactions as it helps relieve the discomfort. 

If you notice your baby’s eye rubbing occurs more frequently during certain times of the year or after playing with certain toys or animals, it could be a sign of allergies.


In some cases, eye rubbing can be a sign of an infection such as conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. This is more common in older babies who are crawling and exploring their surroundings, as they are more likely to come into contact with bacteria.

If you notice signs like redness, swelling, and discharge, visit your optometrist specializing in pediatric optometry for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What Is Myopia?

As your baby grows, their eyes will develop and adjust. However, this doesn’t work flawlessly. Sometimes, certain conditions called refractive errors start developing. When your child’s eye grows longer than it is wide, it can result in something called myopia

Myopia is commonly known as nearsightedness. It makes it hard to focus on anything in the distance—even though nearby objects appear clearly. It is also a common cause of eye rubbing for young children, and it often worsens throughout their younger years.

Myopia doesn’t just cause short-term problems. It can also increase the risk of all kinds of potential problems later on in life, so early detection is crucial for managing this condition and helping support your child’s future eye health. 

A baby on their parent's lap during their first eye exam while an optometrist smiles and tries to find the reason they're rubbing their eyes.

How to Tell if a Baby Is Nearsighted

Eye exams are a lot more important than you might think. You should schedule your baby’s first eye exam around the age of 6 months, and then again yearly, especially when your child is entering school.

At the same time, you should watch out for any signs of myopia. Here are a few indicators that your baby may be nearsighted:

  • Holding objects too close to their face
  • Squinting or closing one eye to see something in the distance
  • Rubbing their eyes frequently

If you notice these behaviours, we can take action. Remember—by stepping in and getting your child help, you can help preserve more of their future vision.

What Is Myopia Management?

When your child visits for their first eye exam, our team will measure the axial length of their eye—this is the distance from the cornea to the retina. If this distance is higher than average or there are large changes from year to year, your child is likely at a higher risk of developing myopia, even if they don’t showcase any signs of a problem. When we notice that your child’s eyes are growing too quickly, our team may recommend myopia management.

Myopia management is a family of treatments designed to slow the progression of myopia in children. Our goal isn’t just to improve your child’s vision now—we also want to help protect them from potential future complications.

For myopia control, we often recommend a mix of:

  • Atropine eye drops
  • Multifocal glasses and contacts
  • Specialty lenses designed to slow the eye’s growth

The sooner this treatment begins, the more effective it can be. Once the eye grows, the changes can’t be reversed, so early intervention is key!

Is It Time for Myopia Control?

If your baby is constantly rubbing their eyes, don’t panic—instead, come see our team at Airdrie Family Eye Doctors. We’re dedicated to helping your baby’s eyes develop properly, and we know how to help. Together, we can help your child enjoy clear and comfortable vision, so book an appointment with us today!

Written by Dr. Heather Cowie

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